Saturday, October 30, 2010

Solidarity with the Anti-Racist & Anti-Exclusion Demonstration in Amsterdam

by Prof. Jose Maria Sison
International League of Peoples' Struggle

WE express warm and militant solidarity with the organizers and participants of the October 30 demonstration in Amsterdam to stop racism and exclusion.

We join concerned migrant organizations and concerned Dutch citizens who have been sounding alarm bells over the increasing intolerance and rising incidences of racism and discrimination in the Netherlands.

There is a clear connection between the language of hatred and discrimination being popularized by anti-migrant and racist Dutch political parties such as the PVV, and the raging economic crisis. The right-wing government that now rules the Netherlands rode on the popular anguish and fear of the Dutch people over the downturn of the economy, and massive efforts to overturn the social benefits enjoyed by many in the Netherlands. These right-wing political parties and politicians are trying to shift the blame for the economic crisis, from the big banks and big business who have been siphoning off the people's money, to the workers and the migrant and immigrant populations and communities.

Indeed, there has been a constant influx of migrant workers to advanced capitalist countries in the west, but only because there is no source of decent livelihood for them in their countries of origin that have been devastated and impoverished by wars, plunder and exploitation instigated by these western capitalist states. Migrants are twice condemned by the situation they face – first they are forced to leave their countries of origin because of wars, poverty and exploitation by big businesses, and second, when they migrate to a receiving developed country, they are condemned as scapegoats of the economic crisis and victims of hate, discrimination and exclusion.

The Dutch people, particularly the working people, are also victims of the economic crisis, and they feel and suffer the effects of the crisis and the cuts in social welfare benefits. They see that instead of bailing out the people from the crisis, the ruling elite and the Dutch government would rather bail out the big businesses such as the banks, using the people's money.

De Dokwerker, where the protest will be held, is significant, because it has stood as a symbol of resistance among Dutch workers in general, against exploitation, abuse and exclusion. It was a reminder of the Dutch workers' resistance against the recent world wars that was caused precisely by the same capitalist greed, and racist views and policies that are now surging in the Dutch political arena.

The October 30 demonstration shall once again highlight in Dutch society not only the just resistance of the exploited and oppressed, but more importantly, their firm solidarity to fight exploitation, oppression, hate, racism and discrimination.

Long live international solidarity!Long live the solidarity between migrants, refugees and the Dutch working people!Stop racism and discrimination!No to anti-migrant and anti-worker laws and policies!



Sison, Jose Maria. 26 Oct. 2010. "Solidarity with the migrants, refugees and Dutch working peopleto stop racism and discrimination!"

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